Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Natural Ovarian Cysts Treatment

If you are suffering from the symptoms of ovarian cysts, you will be only too aware how painful and debilitating they can be. Conventional medication seems to offer very little, other than symptomatic relief by the way of birth control pills or surgery. Neither offer a permanent solution with new cysts growing as nothing has been done to eliminate the root cause.

There is an excellent natural ovarian cysts treatment which guarantees to get rid of the condition permanently and without the side effects associated with conventional medication. It has been developed by an alternative practitioner who is a former ovarian cyst sufferer herself. The best thing about the program is that one-to-one support, coaching and guidance is offered so the sufferer need never feel alone or unsure that they are taking exactly the right steps.

Focusing on a holisitic ("whole body") cure, this natural ovarian cysts treatment takes into account the fact that this condition develops due to the subtle interaction of a number of factors which just happen to be present in a woman's body. These could be as a result of long term dietary choices, lack of exercise, environmental toxins to name a few. This means that any successful treatment needs to be multifaceted and that going down the line of using one single remedy cannot work.

Diet and exercise are two very important factors. A healthy diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, seeds, beans and nuts promotes good overall health and can help reduce the symptoms of ovarian cysts. Foods to avoid include red meats, processed meats and foods which contain artificial additives. Drinking plenty of water is also beneficial.

Regular exercise should be taken as the body produces endorphins when exercising which make us feel good. They are also known to have a painkilling effect. In addition, exercise can help to reduce abdominal fat-a known possible factor in ovarian cyst formation. Exercise also improves the circulation around the body and it is thought that sluggish circulation is a contributory factor.

It is vital to remember that as with most natural approaches, there is not one single treatment which will form a cure although each small positive step you take will begin to relieve you of the symptoms. Natural remedies tend to focus on treating the whole person and eliminating all the possible causes which means that the root cause is eliminated.

If you would like to see the comprehensive, tried and tested system which is completely guaranteed to cure your ovarian cysts, please visit Natural Ovarian Cysts Treatment

A Complex Ovarian Cyst Does Not Mean Cancer

Complex ovarian cysts have both fluid and solid components with at least 50% of the cyst being solid. It is the solid component in the cyst that may be cause for concern. The only way to be sure that the cyst is either benign or malignant is by surgery. It is up to your physician, through testing, to determine whether cancer is present and to make the proper diagnosis. In most cases, 85% of this type of cyst is benign.

There is not one common method of treatment that is used for this or any type of cyst. Each individual must be evaluated on the type of cyst they have. The 3 most common types of cysts are Dermoid, which is not a cancerous cyst, but can be painful if it twists upon itself. Endometrioma, is when the cyst grows outside the uterus and can lead to ovarian complications. And the third is Cystadenomas, which contains liquid and mucus. These cysts can get quite large and can twist upon themselves, which can cause a great deal of pain.

The size of the cyst will also be taken into consideration when determining treatment. Some cysts may require immediate surgery, while others may be treated with medication for a time to determine if shrinkage is occurring. The age of the patient, previous health history, and other symptoms, which are present, will determine what type of treatment you and your doctor choose.

Although most Complex Ovarian Cysts are benign, this knowledge should not be taken lightly. Ovarian cysts may grow and can lead to health problems and complications. Some women have no pain at all while others suffer lower back pain, nausea, pelvic discomfort during sex, abnormal bleeding, breast tenderness, and vomiting. There is no conclusive evidence at this time as to why some women experience pain and some do not.

Laparoscopic surgery may be used to remove the cyst in some woman whereas others may end up having an ovary removed or in radical circumstances, a hysterectomy. None of these symptoms alone or together confirm or deny the possibility of cancer. Only through testing can this be determined. Therefore you should not assume that by having complex ovarian cysts or having any of these symptoms that you indeed have cancer.

If you currently or have suffered from ovarian cysts, and are thinking of preventive measures, recent suggestions are supplements, herbs, and vitamins that can help balance the hormones and improve body function while improving your body's immunity and boosting liver functions. Others claim that a cancerous ovarian cyst should not be treated with natural methods due to the complications that could incur. If you choose to use alternative medicine to prevent the risk of ovarian cysts, it is strongly suggested that you discuss what methods of treatment you prefer with your physician before starting on a regimen or making a final decision.

To find out more useful information about ovarian cysts and how to naturally cure them please visit Ovarian Cyst Symptoms and Treatment

Home Remedies For Ovarian Cysts

The vast majority of women have ovarian cysts at one time or another but fortunately, they are usually painless and symptom-free and most are unaware of their presence. For a minority of women, the situation is very different with painful, uncomfortable symptoms becoming a way of life and sadly, conventional treatment has little to offer.

Providing you have received confirmation from your doctor that your cyst is benign, home remedies for ovarian cysts are worthwhile considering as conventional medicine has little to offer for the treatment of this condition.

Heat therapy is one good way to begin. Use either a hot water bottle or a microwaveable heat-pad directly on the abdomen (wrapped in a towel if very hot) and the warmth will help give you some pain relief. Additionally, the heat will encourage and improve good circulation in the area which will, in turn, increase the blood supply to the ovary. This can help with healing. You can also try taking a warm bath for a similar effect. Gentle abdominal massage is also worth trying. This will also encourage circulation and the soothing effect can help give a little pain relief.

It is known that this condition can develop for a multitude of reasons but that diet and lifestyle play a big part. Many good home remedies for ovarian cysts will take this into account and encourage the adoption of a healthy eating plan which is rich in fresh fruit and vegetables, beans nuts and pulses. It will also recommend that animal fats, processed and red meats are avoided. At least 6-8 glasses of filtered water is also beneficial.

Taking regular exercise is good therapy and is multi-beneficial. It is proven that exercise releases endorphins into the system which can naturally help quell pain. In addition, exercise can help with the maintenance of a healthy body weight, as it is known that excess abdominal fat can be a contributory factor for the formation of ovarian cysts.

It is vital to remember that as with most natural approaches, there is not one single treatment which will form a cure although each small positive step you take will begin to relieve you of the symptoms. Natural remedies tend to focus on treating the whole person and eliminating all the possible causes which means that the root cause is eliminated. If you would like to see a comprehensive, tried and tested system which is completely guaranteed to cure your ovarian cysts, please visit Home Remedies For Ovarian Cysts